Lora Zombie has art that doesn’t feel like any one else’s. The use of color and the way the paint and art holds your attention is amazing. When you see her art, there has to be a part that’s relatable. What is there not to love about unicorns and panda bears? However, that’s what you would see at a base level. Hyper attention would be the way that the art makes you feel. It seems spontaneous and fun, with a lot of hyper, random colors. If you don’t take the time to actually stop and look at what you’re seeing, you wont find the deep attention that’s involved.
Hyper attention is something that you can relate to skim reading. You can just run down her art and take everything for face value; it may just seem like a lot of flashy colors and random day dreams on paper.  Hyper attention is a cognitive style due to a generational shift in young people, which mean having a short attention span requires a high level of stimulation, which will enable the thought process without boredom. Hence, the stimulation comes from a source of networked or programmable media. According to N. Katherine Hayles, "Hyper attention is characterized by switching focus rapidly among different tasks,preferring multiple information streams, seeking a high level of stimulation, and having a low tolerance for boredom."

Piggybacking on the Wings of Birds

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